Principal’s Report

Dear Parents and students,

It is hard to believe that June has arrived and another school term is coming to an end. Congratulations to our students on their achievements and developments throughout the term. The concluding weeks of the semester are always busy for both teachers and students; I understand that it can be tiresome and stressful. What I do recommend is assessing if you need additional help with and the implementation of time management strategies. Once you have an understanding of what you need help with and when, you can refer to your teachers for further assistance. I have faith in our students’ abilities and I look forward in awarding them with scholarships for their academic success.

Unlike previous years, we will be holding exams for years 10-12 students, omitting years 7-9. I strongly advise you to send your children to school and do not assume that the last week is unproductive. Our teachers are still teaching curriculum and administering homework. Reports will be posted to your address during the holiday time.

The Holy month of Ramadan has almost concluded. I would like to sincerely thank the Pastoral Care Department for organising an array of Ramadan programs. The department organised an inaugural Iftar dinner program this year, raising money for families in need. Thank you to the teachers and students for their efforts. The Iftar was a great success. Prophet Abraham introduced the Islamic tradition of sharing an Iftar dinner with guests. It is said that he had never eaten dinner without guests sitting with him at the dinner table. One day he could not find anyone to invite, so he was feeling rather disappointed. His wife said, “O Abraham, why don’t you go down to the market place and see if you could find someone there.” So he went out and it was getting dark. The only person he could find was an old man with a white beard. He was a stranger who had been travelling. It was obvious that he was hungry. Abraham asked him if he would join him for dinner. He was extremely happy and accepted. As they walked to Abraham’s house, he asked the old man what religion he belonged to. The old man said he was an atheist and Abraham was disappointed. He said, “Look my friend, I cannot let a nonbeliever eat at my table”. The old man felt terrible as he was starving. As he put his head down and walked away slowly. God spoke to Abraham and said: “O Abraham! I have fed this man for 70 years yet you are reluctant to feed him for a day!” Abraham realized his mistake and caught up with the old man. He said, “I am sorry my friend…My Lord asked me to invite you “. The old man said, “Your Lord is so merciful and compassionate…I too believe in Him now”.

The Genius Olympiads is currently being held in Syracuse New York, USA. Our student Aleyna Sahin from Year 9, Sirius College Eastmeadows Campus, is attending with her teacher Ms Inass Fayad. Aleyna undertook her year-long project in the Science Research Elective at Sirius College in 2016. The elective runs the CSIRO CREST (CREativity in Science and Technology) program, which provides a framework for students to undertake research projects in science and technology, and students can receive CREST awards based on skill level and project complexity. Her Silver CSIRO CREST project titled: "Antibacterial Properties of Water and Ethanol Soluble Extracts from Australian Native Trees", was entered into the Genius Olympiad in Syracuse New York. Aleyna will present her work to be judged by a panel of judges. She will then attend a trip to Washington DC and NY City and followed by an IVY College tour of Columbia, Princeton, Yale, Brown, Harvard, and MIT Universities. My special thanks to Jamie Astill and Inass Fayad. Good luck.

Lastly, I convey my heartfelt condolences to Zynab Al Harbiya’s family. She will be dearly missed. We will endeavor to support her family, friends and school community during this sad time.

I would also like to thank all my staff members again for contributing to Sirius College’s success. I wish all families to have a safe and relaxing school holiday and see you all when term 3 starts.


Mr Mehmet Cicek